TOURNAMENT: 2007 38th Annual World Series of Poker
EVENT: Event 55 - World Championship No-Limit Hold'em Day 4
EVENT DATE: July 13, 2007 12:00 PM
By Sorel Mizzi - I started the day with about $603,000 and was very happy with my table. No one other than Lurped was a very strong player there. I got into a few pots with him.
One hand I'm proud of is when I held 10d 6d, which is my favorite hand. I just couldn't resist playing it to a raise in position. So some guy raises - who hasn't raised a single pot - from mid-position. And I call from the cutoff with my favorite hand. Everyone else folds. On the flop is a Q 9 8 rainbow. He checks and I bet $32,000. He insta-called. The turn is a five. He bets $100,000 with $220,000 behind. I go all in and he folds. I put him on a underpair there. All I know is when people make those kinds of plays, they usually have something they are not calling an all in with. They are just betting to see where they're at. He told me he had jacks. And I believe it.
Another hand I had 8d 5d suited and I raised UTG. I got called in five spots. The flop came 9 7 3. I had 8 5. The 3 was a diamond. The bb checked and I bet $55,000 and Lurped raises to $180,000 and is committed to the pot. I fold. He had 8 10 suited.
In a hand right before the break I raised from late position with A A and got called by the button. The flop was A K 2 with two clubs. I bet $36,000 and he called. The turn was 3c. I bet $85,000 and he went all in for over $600,000. I know the player from online (WPT Hero) and he wouldn't make that play with anything less than the second nuts or the nuts. I probably fold a lower flush there as well.
I'm at $725,000.
- Imper1um